HelpHaitiQuake: Help Rebuild Haiti: How You Can Help Haiti: Haiti Quake Relief News

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japanese Government is asking Citizens to Go to Higher grounds: Evacuate

Fires are raging out of control at an oil refinery in northeast of  Tokyo.  The fire walls are taller than some nearby buildings.  Firefighters are unable to control the flames.  People are trapped in floating buildings, cars, boats, and elsewhere.  Search and rescue teams will need to start looking for survivors.

There is warning for Chile, Mexico, Marquais Island, Indonesia, Guam, Australia, Peru.  The tsunami may hit these countries too.

Farm lands are destroyed.  Businesses are destroyed.  It is too early to tabulate the number of deads and survivors.  A large quake, magnitude 8.9 hit northern Japan.  The quake caused fires and massive damages.

Trains and subways services were suspended.  Thousands of passengers are stranded.  People are walking far away from home.  They are talking on their cell phones.  They want to find out about family members and friends.

The welfare facility collapsed. 4 people have been confirmed dead. So far, there is a report of one dead.  A building collapsed on the woman.  So far, we do not know how many people plunged to their deaths in their cars.

8 people are confirmed dead so far in 4 prefectures in northern Japan.

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