HelpHaitiQuake: Help Rebuild Haiti: How You Can Help Haiti: Haiti Quake Relief News

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sergeant from California State Military Reserve, Red Cross Certified Instructor Ready to Volunteer in Japan but Needs an Organization to Sponsor Trip

Thanks, Sergeant! People like you make the world a better place to live!

 This wonderful and qualified sergeant wants to help in Japan.  But he needs an organization to sponsor his trip to the country.  He is willing to help at any moment.  

If you can not go there, he can.  So if you can sponsor him, contact us at  We will pass on the info to him. Help fly him there now!!!!

".......It's great that you already blogged about the relief efforts.  I can help wherever I'm needed, even in Japan, if some organization can fly me there.
Sergeant, California State Military Reserve
Trained by the military and Red Cross in CPR/1st Aid for adults, children, infants
Red Cross Certified Instructor in CPR/1st Aid for Adults, children, infants
Also able to perform perimeter security......."

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United in Pain, Grief, Hope for a better tomorrow, and Rebirth!